"Captain Kirk is about to met high definition. Paramount is currently working on remastering all of the original movies found in the Ultimate Star Trek Movie Collection into HD DVD. There is also a slight chance that they are going to do Blu-ray too. It just keeps getting better though. MovieWeb is reporting that the studio is also remastering all 79 original episodes into high-def as well. Are we going to stop there with the Star Trek news? Oh no. We've got more for you as it seems that they have ideas to release all four seasons of Star Trek: Enterprise on a high-def format too. We don't have any release deets for you yet, but you can expect to see it as soon as we do."
Score one for the HD DVD camp. Now if they can pick up the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars movie, the format wars will be a done deal in my book. Of course, it figures that within a week of my finally acquiring ALL the Star Trek DVD's that the announcement would come that they will soon be obsolete.