"Chumby is different. The chumby was not created in the design department of some big consumer electronics company. Market analysis and focus groups were not performed. Frankly, there wasn’t very much traditional consumer electronics experience brought to bear at all. We made it all up. Chumby Industries was formed by hackers who wanted to create something interesting, useful and different. The starting point was the humble clock radio. What we decided to build was a really low-cost, wireless (WiFi), Internet-connected device that will sit on your bedside table (or in your bathroom, or kitchen, or living room, or maybe even plug into your car somehow...) that could do a lot more than this old clock radio (or your cellphone, if that’s what you use to wake yourself up.) And we named it "chumby.""
This is rather...curious. Quite interesting actually, if the price is right. The concept of a computer in every room has always intrigued me, and in fact I firmly believe that until we have a connected device in every room of our home, many of the digital "dreams scenarios" will simply never come true. Chumby might be a step in that direction.