"The good: The aggressively priced Archos 404 combines a 3.5-inch screen with a supercompact body; it's a video, music (including subscriptions), and photo player with the ability to record line-in audio and video with optional adapters; good voice recorder; improved GUI; excellent video controls and photo playback features. The bad: The Archos 404 lacks the kickstand and removable battery of its bigger brother, the 604; proprietary USB cable; no recording line-in video or audio out of the box; few bundled accessories; no FM tuner; weak equalizer. The bottom line: The attractively priced Archos 404 is a PVP in an MP3 player's body. If you want a better screen and a removable battery, spend $50 more for the wider 604."
Fresh on the heels of the review of the 504, here is the review of the sleeker smaller (though smaller in hard drive capacity as well) 404. This article briefly talks about the wider 604 as well, this is an article worth perusing.