"Holy hot damn, we got us a Mylo up in this piece. Yes, unfortunately it's only a late prototype (we haven't actually heard of anyone getting a final production unit yet) but here she is, Sony's ever-hopeful ace in the hole to get a foothold in the pockets of disenfranchised Sidekick 'tweens everywhere (and maybe even some 770 user throwbacks as well). Click on for the full report. They had to get 'er out the door fast, we were calling by the hour. The box matches the orange-and-white color scheme nicely. Touring around it, we can see some pictorial feature highlights, support for Google Talk, Yahoo IM, and Skype (with voice, of course), and some of the media formats supported, including WMA and -- whew -- ATRAC! That was a close one."
$350? What is Sony thinking?!!!!! I mean, we can talk about the orange color and the bulbous styling later (makes me think of an N-gage like failure btw), but that $350 price tag is absolutely crazy. I am not sure who their target user is. I guess those that would invest in a Sidekick?