"While everyone was focused on the launch of Apple's new iPod, iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle, iriver slipped a new portable audio player under the radar screen. iriver's tiny new S10 measures just 1.65" x 1.18" x 0.43" and weighs in at a feathery 0.62 ounces. For comparison, the newly announced second generation iPod Shuffle measures 1.07" x 1.62" x 0.41" and weighs 0.55 ounces. The iriver S10 is available in capacities of 1GB and 2GB and is rated at 8 hours of playback (compared to 12 hours for the iPod Shuffle). Where the S10 trumps the Shuffle, however, is with its 1.5" color OLED screen, SRS WOW technology and support for MP3, WMA, ASF and OGG. And for good measure, iRiver has also tossed in an FM tuner."
Hot on the heels of the new super small Shuffle, iRiver has their own ultra small player. If they can bring this in around the same price as the new Shuffle, this should be a winner. Of course, I've been saying that about most iRiver products for a while now and it never seems to come true. :?