"Britain-based New Medium Enterprises said on Tuesday it had solved a technical production problem that makes it possible to produce a cheap multiple-layer DVD disc containing one film in different, competing formats. "Current technologies to create multiple-layer discs mostly don't work. We've created a technology for mass production of multiple layers that does not suffer from the well known problem of low yields," said NME Chief Technology Officer Eugene Levich. A low yield means that many DVDs coming off the manufacturing lines are not working and have to be discarded. The production costs of a multi-layer DVD using the new NME technology are estimated to be around 9 cents, compared with the 6 cents for a standard single-layer play-back DVD, according to Dutch company ODMS, one of the world's leading makers of production lines for optical discs."
While this is a great technological breakthrough, unfortunately making dual format discs will only be the smallest hurdle. The biggest is licensing them. I suspect the HD DVD and Blu-Ray consortiums will do something to make these discs financially unfeasible, by driving the licensing fees up so high as to price them out of the market. That's unfortunate.