Wednesday, October 11, 2006
TrusedReviews Looks at the Parrot Bluetooth Photo Viewer
Posted by Damion Chaplin in "HARDWARE" @ 04:00 PM

Well, using the frame to display the funky pics I took with my cell phone would, I think, be the very last use I could think of to use a digital photo frame for. We've discussed them here before, and this frame doesn't change my opinion of them: Too small, too expensive, not useful enough. Here's my dream digital photo frame: It's at least 8"x10". It accepts Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and hardline CAT5. I would also love it if (since it's got the wireless capability) it could display web pages. It would be really cool to stream an animation to the frame, or use it to look up TV listings, or just to browse DMT. In other words, I would like it to be a full-featured viewer. Thus far, every offering I've seen has fallen far short of my needs. Oh yeah, and this Parrot Viewer is just plain ugly. :)