"If you want a stylish, ultra-compact camera with a wide-angle lens, then the Canon PowerShot SD800 IS Digital ELPH is definitely a good choice. There are some image quality tradeoffs that come from having a tiny camera with this kind of lens, but the typical point-and-shooter probably won't be bothered by most of them. The PowerShot SD800 IS is an ultra-compact camera made almost entirely of metal. I say "almost" because of the plastic cover over the memory card and battery compartment -- it's really quite flimsy, and a step down from what was on the SD800's predecessor (the SD700). The controls are well-placed, though I'm not a fan of the mode dial's placement. One of the big selling points on the SD800 is its new 28 - 105 mm lens. Your typical ultra-compact camera has a lens that starts anywhere between 35 and 38 mm, so this is a welcome change for those who shoot indoors or in tight quarters. Of course, this lens brings along some issues of its own, and I'll mention those in the image quality section below."
The wide angle lens, the image stabilization, the compact design, and the Canon brand... I like the combination. It looks like red-eye is the only big problem that people seem to be finding with the camera. Have any of you bought the SD800 yet? What are your impressions?