"All you really need in the way of equipment is a camera on which you can manually set focus, shutter speed and aperture. Normally these days that would mean a digital SLR (though a film SLR would be fine too of course), or a high end P&S type digital camera. The reason that you need to be able to manually set the camera is that autoexposure probably won't work, plus you need an exposure of several seconds in order to record fireworks bursts. You also need to be able to set the focus since there may be nothing in the frame when you open the shutter (more on that later), so AF will fail."
We had
posted an article on fireworks photography just around the 4th of July this year which talked about lighting, camera position, AF, aperture and ISO. It was quite comprehensive. This is another article on some more tips that might be useful. What camera do you normally use to shoot fireworks?