Monday, October 23, 2006
Be Loyal, Kind and Don't Steal Movies
Posted by Damion Chaplin in "CONTENT" @ 07:30 AM

OK, ok, I know this is "old news" at this point, since it was on Slashdot last Friday, :wink: but we here at DMT have the exclusive scoop on the optional additional badge that one can get to put near your Respect Copyrights Badge to show everyone just how serious you are about it. Catch the exclusive look after the jump!

The FBI Warning of Doom Badge can be worn on the sleeve or on the side of your uniform under the sleeve - anywhere where someone will only get a split-second look at it. When your scoutmates see your badge, they'll not only know their rights (or lackthereof), but will also know that you're not playing around when it comes to artists' (and studios') intellectual property.
The above badge and commentary are of course in all good fun. I used to be a Boy Scout and I think by and large they teach useful skills and (dare I say it) good values. An activity badge for learning about the evils f copyright piracy? Ridiculous. How about a more useful badge, like for building or using a computer in the first place? Maybe some of these exist, and maybe piracy awareness is part of one's social duty, but I think the Boy Scouts of America have better things they could be spending their resources on (like the dangers of sweatshops that produce scout uniforms :wink: ).