"Headphones are one of the most important parts of any music listening experience – together with the audio player itself and the quality of the encoded music – but most digital audio players come with extremely cheap headphones. Perhaps it’s because the manufacturers know the first thing many people do is discard included headphones, and thus they don’t want to invest any significant money in the bundled headphones. Or, perhaps it’s because quality headphones cost money (which would raise the cost of the overall product), and a good portion of the public doesn’t know how good music can really sound with great headphones. Regardless of the reason why bundled headphones are usually of poor quality, if you’re still using the standard headphones that came with your Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone, your music isn’t sounding as good as it should. In my search for headphones to review, I came across Ultimate Ears – they’re a company that has historically made custom in-ear monitors (stage performance headphones) for professional musicians, and have recently taken that core technology and brought it down-stream to a line of consumer products. With the likes of Metallica and Third Day (check out the complete list) using their professional products, it boded well for the quality of their consumer products, so I was looking forward to checking out what they had to offer. I had initially wanted to look at the Creative Zen Aurvana headphones, but repeated requests for a pair were declined or ignored, so I looked elsewhere. Am I ever glad I did!"
Our very own Jason Dunn reviews the super.fi (not Super Fly) headphones by Ultimate Ears over at The Two Inch View. While I'm not a real fan of headphones that cost $100+ (that's more than 50% of what my player cost me!), these do look like some killer phones. Has anyone else tried these? I
might be interested in them if the price were around the $80 range. And can someone please tell me why they insist on making so many model of headphones in white? Not everyone owns an iPod, you know. :roll: Thankfully, they also make them in black (and clear!), so us non reality-benders can hop on the bandwagon too!