"In last month’s tutorial, we looked at several basic but useful compositional techniques, including the famous Rule of Thirds, camera angle, focal length, framing and the use of foreground and background features. This month I want to move on to some more advanced techniques that will help to sharpen up your photographic technique. Photography is an art as well as a science, and in any art beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What I’m presenting here are guidelines to help you take better photographs, not rules that must be followed. You’re the one with your eye to the viewfinder and your finger on the shutter button, so you must decide what works best for you. Practicing these techniques will help you to get good results more often, but you should try to adapt them to your own style and artistic preferences."
This arcticle, much like the first one that we had posted on about a month ago, also points out a lot of things that we probably don't think of but should just become a part of our thought process when we take a photograph.