Monday, October 30, 2006
The ifrogz iPod Case: Customized Protection
Posted by Jason Eaton in "ARTICLE" @ 10:30 AM

In my mind the iPod has two flaws. It scratches easily and on some days the minimal design and monochromatic color scheme lacks personality. Okay, that last one is subjective, but if you plan on getting a case to protect your iPod then you have the opportunity to add a bit of personality to your music companion. Over the last week I have had a chance to take a look at a protective case from a company called ifrogz (cost is $29 to $31 USD) and I have to say I have come away impressed.
The experience starts off with what I think is perhaps the coolest feature of the ifrogz case, and that is the ability to customize what your case will look like and truly make it your own. Instead of being confined to a certain look and aesthetic design you’re given the ability to change not only colors used in the case but even the graphic used to cover the scroll wheel area.
Now before you make any assumptions on the case design I made I have to let you in on the reasoning for it. I usually treat my gadgets with kid gloves and figured to truly test the case I would have to find a method that surpasses my level of roughness. Something that would test this product in a reasonable but somewhat abusive fashion to truly see what type of protection this case would provide. That would be my wife. I lent her my iPod nano once and it came back looking like someone took sand paper to it. In a few days the package from ifrogz arrives and our unsuspecting test subject, a newly unwrapped 30 gig iPod video, is soon to be turned over to its fate.

As I assembled the case the level of thought and design placed into it became very apparent. Without subjecting you to a lengthy step by step or description (which is already nicely done on the ifrogz website) I want to instead call out a few of the noteworthy aspects of the design.
The first is the screen protection. To protect the open area of the screen a clear piece of transparent plastic is laid over the entire face of the iPod and not just the LCD area. Score one for ifrogz as this protects not only the screen but provides another complete layer of protection under the case itself. Secondly the ‘Wrapz’ itself is made up of a very supple silicon that not only provides a good grip to the iPod but also allows for easy installation and removal. Being able to quickly remove the case becomes very important if you wish to use the iPod docking station or other accessories that connect to the iPod using a similar cradle.
With no instructions to my wife other then to say that no special treatment was to be given, the test began. Here is a break down of some of the challenges the ifrogz case faced: Jacket pockets with zippers and keys, tossed into a loose backpack filled with pens and books, tossed in with groceries as they were brought in from the car, riding unsecured in a cup holder, falling from car seat to floor or under the seat, dropped off a desk, repeatedly removed and reinstalled for use on a docking station, used after eating greasy fast food, and probably some more horrors that were not divulged and probably best not spoken of.
After a week and a few days I steadied my resolve and asked for the iPod and case back. Upon examination I could see no visible blemishes, no discoloration or stretch marks in the silicon. The screen area did however contain a few scratches as well as some faint marks on the decal over the scroll wheel that could be seen at certain angles in the light. But as I started to remove the protective layers and return the iPod to its natural state not a mark was to be found.
All in all I would have to give the ifrogz case a big thumb’s up. It preformed well in day to day use and survived my wife. She loves the design and the functionality and even asked if she could get more to accessorize the color options. However, I have to point out one small hiccup. We were unable to test the belt clip option with the case as the small screw used to attach the clip didn’t seem to fit. I have contacted the company and this may be an unfortunate but isolated event. I will follow up on how the issue is resolved but so far so good!
Jason Eaton lives...somewhere, and he likes gadgets.