"Such picture problems are pretty tough to take in this day and age under any circumstances – and here they’re ironically thrown into even starker relief by the W3202MC’s possession of one of the best audio performances we’ve heard from an LCD TV to date. Seriously, those detachable speakers Dell does for the W3202MC are the dog’s; an example to 32in LCD TVs everywhere of how it really is possible to combine extremes of depth and treble with a natural, open mid-range; smooth and authentic vocals; and a superbly dynamic and wide soundstage without having to make speakers the size of Nelson’s Column. Dell’s W3202MC may be aggressively priced and reasonably well specified, but in performance terms it’s the proverbial game of two halves. Which might have been OK had the good half contained picture rather than audio quality."
Other than a 10/10 for the audio quality, this looks like a pretty bland offering with not much else standing out. I'm curious how this model compares to the US model as they have different product numbers and look a little different.