"Since so many laptops are now sold with the Windows Media Center Edition (WMCE) flavor of XP, I thought to pass along this interesting video podcast plug-in. TVTonic is a quick an easy to subscribe and watch video podcasts; in fact, they recently announced a whole channel devoted to technology content called Tech Tonic. The new channel features video podcasts such as Diggnation, DLTV, Systm and even The Show with zefrank (see ze: am I good little duckie or what?) Don't fret if you don't have a WMCE system: although TVTonic is integrated with WMCE, it can also be used standalone and will be found in Microsoft Windows Vista next year. Grab the download and you can be subscribing to video content immediately. As you can see below: there's a bunch of good content in the new channel already. What I didn't get to show in the list was Yoga TV, which is a daily, one hour yoga session each and every morning! Subscribe now and I'll meet you on the mat with my brick tomorrow."
I don't have an MCE but would love to try it out. I have usually not been very much into videocasts, however, that has mainly been because it is a bit of a pain to find them. This plug-in really seems to make subscribing to them an easy process. I especially like that RSS for audio podcasts that they mention at the end.