"DSLRs are increasingly becoming a type of camera that is in the reach of the average photographer as prices fall and as manufacturers develop more user friendly models. I’ve previously discussed some of the advantages and disadvantages of moving from a point and shoot to DSLR but in this post would like to explore how to choose a DSLR. In doing so I’ll cover: 1. 9 Reasons to Upgrade to a DSLR; 2. 8 Factors to Consider when Choosing a DSLR; 3. My DSLR Recommendations. Firstly, a quick recap on some of the reasons why you might want to upgrade to a DSLR"
If you have been a point-and-shoot or disposable camera user so far and have always wondered what all the craze is about Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras (a.k.a. DSLRs) then this article is for you. It educates one about a number of advantage points that one should know about when upgrading to a DSLR.