Friday, November 3, 2006
Fun Friday Factoid: World's Largest Digital Camera
Posted by Damion Chaplin in "HARDWARE" @ 02:30 PM

The Quest Large Area Camera on the Samuel Oschin telescope at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, CA is home to the world's largest digital camera. With 112 CCDs, the QLAC takes unimaginably-large 161-megapixel images. 8O It was responsible for locating the recently-discovered minor planets Sedna and Eris (though credit for Eris' discovery was given to another team). It's interesting to note that the QLAC was retrofitted onto the SO telescope, which was originally designed to take photographs on plates of glass up to 14" a side (in 1949!). And if you thought 160 MP was a big photograph, then the 500-megapixel Dark Energy Camera currently being developed ought to blow your mind. It sure did mine. Happy Friday, folks!