Monday, November 6, 2006
Managing your Photos with Windows Vista
Posted by Damion Chaplin in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:00 PM

Like the author of the article, I have years of digital photos that are completely unorganized. Now, don't get me wrong: When I go to an event or on vacation, those photos are nicely organized in their own folders, with culled 'final' pics in their own nested folder. However, for all those other shots, I have been throwing them into a folder marked 'Snapshots'. They're all in chronological order, but that's the extent of their organization. So let's just say I'm really looking forward to better photo handling in Vista. I really dig the 'tagging' feature. You can tag any photo with anything, with no limits as to how many tags you can put in each photo. For example, a pic of the wife in front of a sunset in Hawaii might be tagged with 'Lorri', 'Sunset' and 'Hawaii'. Yes, it's time-consuming, but when you're done everything should be nice and organized. I can't wait. :D