Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Busting Out The Old Samsung PMC
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 07:00 AM

I busted out the old Samsung YH-999 Portable Media Center yesterday, because I'm comparing the Zune to previous generations of Microsoft-powered devices. You know what? This thing 'aint half bad: the screen isn't super high-contrast, but it's pretty big and 20 GB will carry a decent amount of video. More impressively, I can connect it to WMP11 and transcode all my TV shows from my Media Center PC - something that the Zune can't do at all. Was it worth the $499 or whatever it was selling for initially? Nope. But if you can find one for $200 or under, it's a decent way of doing the mobile video mambo. I just wish it was faster to transcode video!