"Now that the PS3 can run full-blown Linux OS distributions like Yellow Dog Linux, Fedora Core (video), and others, users have found that ripping an exact copy of a Blu-ray movie (as well as PS3 games) is as easy as typing in the following command in the Terminal to create an ISO image: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/blu-raymovie.iso. Of course, once you've created the file, you can then burn a Blu-ray disc with the ISO image if you have an external Blu-ray burner handy or – most likely the case – just play the movie back from its hard drive or attached storage (via Gizmodo, PS3NEWS). Ahhhh, the beauty of having full access to hack your system (more details on the dd command)."
Not sure if this actually works since I would assume there is some encryption to overcome just as with a normal DVD. If it does, this seems like a big blow for security on the PS3.