"Blu-ray is losing the opinion war. So says Cymfony, a company that measures market influence. Its newest report, "A Blue Christmas for Blu-ray," claims that HD DVD has more positive buzz than Blu-ray, but not for the reasons you might imagine... The most common complaint (26 percent) about Blu-ray was a "general dislike" for the format, based (so says Cymfony) on two things: a long history of failed Sony formats (think MiniDisc, Beta, ATRAC) and a perceived arrogance on the part of the company. Second on the list was Sony's decision to bundle a Blu-ray player with the PlayStation 3 (21 percent). Many gamers resent being forced to pay a higher cost for a product they might not want. "Format wars" was third, with only 16 percent of the complaints."My, that
is news. :wink: To be fair though, I don't think this was a very scientific report. Cymfony based their report on blog and discussion board postings and found HD-DVD had 46% more "positive discussions" than Blu-ray. I do hope Cymfony knows those boards are full of raving idiots like myself. :lol: I have a lot of friends and co-workers, and not one of them has an online presence on any type of discussion board. Yahoo Messenger is about as deep as it gets for them.