"File sharing software has been used for years, even in the dial-up days, so apart from faster speeds – this is nothing new. But with this much bandwidth available, it's possible to remotely access your computer and stream music, videos and documents at a decent pace. I moved to IMAP for my email not to long ago, as well as setting up a Linux server with remote VNC access, document access over a web browser and streaming MP3 playback. The MP3 system I use is called Zina, this allows me to view my collection over a web browser and stream it to a music player, such as Winamp and where necessary, transcode on the fly. I love that I don't have to worry about throwing documents onto a flash drive, or filling my notebook up with music before I go on a trip. I know that I'll be able to access everything when I need it – a great weight off my mind! This is something I feel everyone would like to be able to do, but most don't know that what options are out there, or think that it is reserved solely for large businesses."
If you've got a fast connection and travel a lot, this article provides a nice walk through of two ways to make it possible to stream your content remotely to your web browser. The Winamp option looks to be the simpler method, while the Orb option offers a lot more features.