Saturday, December 23, 2006
Calling All RAW Developers: I'm Seeking a Christmas Miracle
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 12:17 PM

I took the above photo on the deck of the cruise ship when I was in Hawaii last month - the ship was moving, the sun was just setting, and my camera's shutter speed slowed down to compensate for the low amount of light. The result is an interesting effect where the water has a slight motion blur, but is crisp in some areas, and the skyline is still (more or less) in focus. I did a small 4 x 6 print of this to show my family, and my mother really liked it. She asked for a large version, and that was one of the reasons I purchased the R1800 printer recently. The problem is processing the image - it has a great deal of noise, and I'm unsure of how it will look when printed at 13 x 19". I've done some testing with Noise Ninja, which has helped, but I'm also still a newbie when it comes to RAW processing.
I'd really like to give this photo to my mother for a Christmas present, so I thought this might make an interesting community experiment: if you'd like to help, download the RAW image and process the image the way you want. I'm interested in seeing what people do with this image in terms of colour, exposure, saturation, noise reduction, etc. You can do what you want with it, though remember it's supposed to hang on an office wall. ;-) The image will be printed on 13 x 19" Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper using an R1800 printer (if you want to track down the appropriate ICC profiles). Once you have the image, post the download URL in this thread. If you'd prefer to keep the results between us, you can send me a private message with the URL. Or, if you lack a place to upload your final image, send an email to [email][email protected][/email] (I'll kill that email address when this experiment is over).
I have no idea if this experiment will resulting in anything usable, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try! :-D