"Like many of you, I've tried hard to find a solution for playing my DVD's on my XBOX 360 (Being used as an MCX. I've ripped them to WMV 1920 X 1080, which on a decent PC can take 30+ hours, 1280 X 720 wasn't much faster. I've played around with Transcode 360 and was never happy with the syncronization of audio and video. And on and on. I have now ripped 50 of my DVD's this way and have had 100% success with absolutly no problems. Here it is. You will need the following programs: All have free trials, so you can check this out without paying a cent. AnyDVD and CloneDVDMobile from Slysoft.com. AnyDVD to get around copy protection and CloneDVDMobile to rip the DVD into a single VOB file. (There are other programs that do the same thing, but these are what I use.)"I'm sure this is a fine way of streaming DVDs to your 360. He's essentially ripping the .vob files to his hard drive, renaming the to a .mpg and then 'fixing' them so they'll play properly. It obviously takes a large amount of HD space. I guess I don't understand though; why would one prefer this method rather than playing the DVD with the 360 in the first place?