"The plaintext exploit used to partially crack HD-DVD a couple of weeks ago was brought to bear on Blu-Ray by the same gents this weekend—and it worked a treat. "We need to kick DRM in the butt!" declares the sigfile of Doom9 forum poster Janvitos, launching his inspection of the format. And that they do, with muslix64 delivering the killing blow: "Oups, I did it again! ... In less that 24 hours, without any Blu-Ray equipment, but with the help of Janvitos, I managed to decrypt and play a Blu-Ray media file using my known-plaintext attack ... I will keep you informed If I found anything new...""
Bill Gates is right: optical media is dead. The future is all about streaming or downloadable content, largely due to security and intellectual property issues. I suspect we'll see more and more proprietary devices to access that content (such as the Xbox 360), and the days of optical discs are numbered.