"Got a photo you just adore and want a unique way to show it off? Behold! Photo Pop-Outs! Gather up a bit of foam core, a bit of tape, a knife, and 20 minutes and we’ll show you how to give your photos an eye-popping 3D effect — no special glasses required! But wait, there’s more! We’ll even show you how to make a nifty tabletop stand when you’re done. A note on selecting your photo: Good choices for photo pop-outs are photos where you’ve got a clear subject (person(s) or thing(s)) that you’d like to separate from the background. Photos where the pop-out is anchored to the bottom of the frame look best."

Hmm, I don't know how often I would want to do this. Honestly, if I really wanted this effect, I would probably add a shadow to the objects in the image using Photoshop or Photo .NET and then print it out. Thoughts?