"Toshiba has long been a pioneer and innovator of television and video. Let's not forget that Toshiba was responsible for the creation of the DVD in 1997. Today, things aren’t any different with Toshiba’s introduction of the first HD DVD players. High-definition DVD players have been in development for the past several years, using a blue/purple laser instead of the red one that is used in standard-definition DVD players. This review focuses on Toshiba's second-generation HD DVD player — the HD-XA2. I had the opportunity of reviewing the first-generation offering, and I can say definitely that the new XA2 is superior in every way."
As expected, version two improves on a lot of the inevitable bugs that cropped up with version one products. The really need to get the prices of these knocked down to a more reasonable level. Right now, I can still go Xbox 360 and HD-DVD drive for less than a stand alone machine, so I think there certainly is room for a big price cut.