"DIGITAL cameras are amazing. Even compact digital cameras selling for less than $100 take photographs with great resolution. The point-and-shoot cameras are great, that is, as long as the subject of the photo is not moving very fast. But if the photographer is trying to catch the moment that the little soccer player kicks in his first goal or when the black Labrador leaps in the air to snag the Frisbee, then he may find a picture of an empty field or a blue sky. The compact digital camera can take so long to react after you snap the shutter release button that the moment has passed and the desired image is never captured. The problem is called shutter lag. “It’s the No. 1 dissatisfier that we hear about,” said Bob Gann, Hewlett-Packard’s digital imaging systems architect. But avoiding it, or minimizing it in the next camera you buy — well, that is a tricky problem."
I agree 1000%. My wife has a Polaroid camera that cost under $100 that take pretty nice shots, but like most cheaper cameras, the shutter lag is a killer. We take a lot of pictures of our three four-legged children and I can't tell you how often we miss the really great shot by a 1/4 second.