Friday, May 18, 2007
DigitalTrends Reviews LG BH100 HD-DVD/Blu-Ray Player
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "ARTICLE" @ 08:00 AM

I was sitting in a restaurant waiting area recently and there was one of those magazines, the one with tons of toys that only rich people can afford, sitting on the table. While perusing through it, I came across this $1200 beast of a player. It puts an end to the debate that people are having these days - i.e. which player to invest in - Blu-Ray or HD-DVD? Anyways, the lucky folks over at DigitalTrends have gotten their hands on one of these players and have reviewed it. Of course, while it does do the great task of playing multiple format media, there is no HDMI 1.3 capabilities, no 1080p upconversion and comes with a poor backlit remote. For $1200, c'mon LG, you could have made these things happen.