"Today, a trademark application in Australia which looks to be for a video-on-demand service from Microsoft yet to be identified has been made available publically. Trademark application #1176435 lodged on May 16 2007 contains an emblem design featuring “arrowheads diverging from disc” which also contains references to a video-on-demand service over internet... Points to note, the classifications specifically suggest broadcast-quality video, which rules out a YouTube-style video service; downloadable films and TV programs, leads me to think of the iTunes video store; and also personal photos, video and music, a “create-your-own-TV” channel perhaps? If it delivers everything these classifications suggests it would, then Microsoft is on the right track to give the VOD market a little shake."
Of course, it's all rumour and speculation at this point, but it sure would be nifty if MS opened a VOD service that wasn't tied to any one piece of hardware (think XBox marketplace). That being said, let's hope it works with
existing MS hardware too (like the Zune). Frankly, I'm just waiting for a VOD service that's good enough I can drop my cable subscription altogether.