Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Apple Launches iTunes Plus: DRM Free Music Finally Here
Posted by Jason Dunn in "NEWS" @ 07:07 AM

[image courtesy of Engadget]
Here, finally, we have the official launch of DRM-free tracks from iTunes. I'm a little surprised they gave it the name of "iTunes Plus" - that might create some consumer confusion. I'll also be curious to see how many people will upgrade their music to the DRM-free versions - at 30 cents a pop, or $3 for an album, consumers with large iTunes collections might not be willing to do that - especially if they're happy iPod owners and don't see any value in doing so. Still, I've got to hand it to Apple: they're giving people a choice, which is more than that needed to do. Are you going to upgrade your iTunes library to "iTunes Plus" tracks? How much is that going to cost you?