Wednesday, June 13, 2007
DivX GejBox Media Streamer -- Just a Technology Demonstration?
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "HARDWARE" @ 09:00 AM

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All the rumours about the DivX hardware can finally be put to rest. It looks like the GejBox;-) (yes the wink is part of the name) is the first device that utilizes the DivX chip. While this is just a proof-of-concept, the device does have some interesting features like S/PDIF, and HDMI. Furthermore, as per all the promised extensibility reports, it comes with home network video / picture / audio streaming capabilities and has support for live DivX Stage 6 high-def internet video streaming, and even a Google Video plugin not too different from the YouTube Apple TV plugin. Sean Alexander correctly points out all the reasons why this box (if it makes it to market) isn't really filling a need, but I personally believe that DivX is showing this device to convince other manufacturers to start integrating the their chip into consumer devices.