Monday, July 16, 2007
Posted by Chris Gohlke in "HARDWARE" @ 07:00 AM

Figure 1: Here is how you use it.
I'm sure you've tried to take a self portrait by just holding your camera out in front of you and hoping for the best. Unfortunately, unless you have mutantly long arms, at best means a picture that is just a little too close up. Basically, the Quik-Pod works the same way, but gives you an extra 18 inches of reach.
After the break, we will see how well it does the job.
The Quik-Pod extends from 8 to 18 inches and has a standard tripod mount on the end allowing you to attach your camera. Once you are set, simply set the self-timer on your camera and line up your shot using the small reflective surface at the base of the mount. As you can see, it works pretty well.
Figure 2: Sample picture taken without Quik-Pod
Figure 3: Sample picture taken with Quik-Pod
The Quik-Pod comes with a variety of accessories and is available with or without a mini-tripod attachment. The tripod attachment is a good idea, but it really needs rubberized feet to give it a little more stability.

Figure 4: What you get
The Quik-Pod is rated for 16 ounces which works out great for most point and shoot cameras, but technically won't work for larger cameras like the Canon S2 IS (mine weighs in at 18 ounces) or full SLRs. It should be noted that I used it with my S2 as well as with a smaller point and shoot and had no problems with the extra weight of the S2. However, a representative of the company told me that they would be coming out with another version specifically for SLR cameras.
Overall, I think this is a nifty little gadget. It is available directly from Quik-Pod for $29.95, or $5 less without the tripod attachment.
Chris Gohlke is a Contributing Editor for Digital Media Thoughts. He loves Sci-Fi and loves to get his hands on real-life tech gadgets. He lives in Tallahassee, Florida, USA with his wife and three cats.