Monday, June 25, 2007
Xbox 360 HD-DVD Drive Outsells Standalone Players
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "NEWS" @ 01:00 PM

The numbers don't quite tell the whole story in the HD format wars. While Blu-Ray players have outsold HD-DVD players, a substantial number of those Blu-Ray players were PS3s, and most of those PS3s were not purchased with the intent of watching HD movies on them. The same can't be said of the 360's add-on drive however. If you buy one of those, you're watching movies on it, and nothing else. The more telling figure is the 4:1 ratio of movies to players on HD-DVD, which blows the Blu-Ray camp out of the water. It's going to take some time for the market to settle down, but the long-term predictions still point to HD-DVD eeking out the win.