Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Muffin MusicFinder - Magical Music Recommender
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM

Here is a great example of how collaborative filtering can be used to help consumers tremendously. Amazon perfected it many years ago and now it looks like Muffin is applying it to the music field. It looks like Muffin has a number of music recognition algorithms in place. And then, after doing clique analysis (i.e. what groups of users like the same time of music) they seem to recommend music to users. Of course, I think it is a little bold of them to say that they can almost predict what the listener would want to listen to (the mention of adjusting based on mood is implied in a couple of cases) but I haven't tried the product out yet - downloading as I write this - so I might be eating my words shortly.