Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Microsoft: We Will Turn Tide of High-Def DVD Format War!
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "ARTICLE" @ 04:00 PM

I respectfully disagree. While I do believe HD DVD will win, I think it will be on price, not on features. While bonus features and interactivity are nice, consumers are not willing to spend more money for them. High definition resolution may be a draw, but the jump in picture quality from DVD to HD is not nearly as dramatic as the transition from VHS to DVD. Good upscaling DVD players can nearly match the PQ of both HD formats, at a much lower price. Until one of the HD formats begins to compete with DVD on price, or at least get very close to it, neither is going to see widespread adoption. The real question we should be asking is: why are the studios and hardware manufacturers pushing HD? Because "we" want it? No. Because it gives them a reason to charge us more.