"Recording digital audio onto your computer can be a real pain. Typically, you either run out storage space or battery life, or the captured audio quality isn’t good enough to use. This is generally because most digital recording solutions are no better than personal dictation machines. That was then. This is now. Portable recording specialist HHB Communications has developed the FlashMic DRM85 (around £655), a professional digital recording microphone. Brilliant for all voice recording applications, in particular broadcast and press interviewing, the FlashMic combines a high quality Sennheiser omni-directional condenser capsule with 1GB of flash recording memory to create a convenient, durable and portable recording device that’s extremely easy to operate."
Obviously at this price point, this microphone is not meant for recording class or meetings notes (but I bet it would do an outstanding job). I could see this as being an invaluable tool for a journalist, providing a huge quality improvement over normal voice recorders. There is an especially cool feature that is constantly buffering the last 10 seconds, so it can record what was said BEFORE you even pushed the button.