Monday, August 20, 2007
HD "War" Not Even Close to Being Over: Paramount & DreamWorks Choose HD DVD
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "NEWS" @ 12:00 PM

Amidst all the chatter of the HD "War" being over, in comes Paramount and DreamWorks with the announcement that going forward, they will be releasing their library on HD DVD only. This is an even bigger deal than it seems at first glance. Paramount owns what is one of the three biggest franchises on the planet: Star Trek. That alone will be enough to sway many people to HD DVD. Combine the popularity of that series of movies with this year's Transformers flick, and you've got the makings of some serious sales numbers. This fight is far from over, and I'd suggest picking up some HD hardware soon. No matter which you prefer, Blu-Ray or HD DVD, if you aren't enjoying one or the other you're definitely missing out!