Tuesday, August 28, 2007
DigitalTrends Reviews Olympus Evolt E-510
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "ARTICLE" @ 11:00 AM

Olympus, Sigma, Sony and Pentax, to some extent, have the same problem that most of Apple's competitors have. When someone thinks of an MP3 player, they think iPod. Similarly, when someone think of a DSLR, they think Canon or Nikon. So while Olympus has created a nice DSLR, I am afraid that a number of people would not even consider it in the running just because of the brand. Olympus et al. will need to get creative about how they are going to get people to switch. For example, since lenses are the most expensive part of the camera (at least good lenses are) then making cameras compatible with rival brand lenses may help. Unique and distinguishing features may be another way, though obviously that is a lot harder. Anyways, here is a nice review of the newest addition to the Olympus line-up.