"Getting snap-happy on vacation is nothing new. For as long as every Tom, Dick, and Harry have been able to afford cameras, odds are they've had one—if not several—knocking around the house. The resulting prints always end up in one of two places. The hyper-organized people among us (and how many of those are there?) immediately slap the shots into scrapbooks and albums. The rest of us shove them into overflowing shoeboxes or milk crates. You'd think things would be different now that we've gone digital. Not so. We still have piles—well, megs—of images filling up our hard drives and memory cards. (Guilty.) Photo-organizing and book-making sites such as MyPublisher.com can help the less-organized among us actually let those photos see the light of day."
I you haven't tried MyPublisher yet, you should. I used their services about two years ago, and the results were excellent - I created a hardcover book to celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday, and the book was a smash hit - every family member wanted a copy (on their dime of course!). It looks like this service has evolved even more with added templates and book designs. Worth checking out!