"For its past few camera launches, Panasonic has wisely concentrated its efforts into what it does best; high-quality super-zoom bridge cameras and stylish high-value ultra-compacts. Both of these are competitive fields, but in the later category the Lumix range is pitted directly against the excellent and deservedly popular IXUS range from market leaders Canon. Whether it's an example of convergent evolution, sheer coincidence or the sincerest form of flattery, the new FX33 has a specification that is strikingly close to that of a new camera announced by Canon just this month, the new IXUS 860 IS. Since that model is a replacement for the most popular camera in the IXUS range, the excellent 850 IS, Panasonic's new FX33 is going to have a tough job. At least it can compete on price. The FX33 has just gone on sale at around £230 from several online retailers, which is about the same current price as the 850 IS."
It is great that Panasonic has been putting out new version. It has only been fostering good competition, and forcing market leading competitors to keep up the pace, in this case it seems like it is Canon. The article concludes that with the wide-angle Lumix DMC-FX33 it has a camera that can take on the best of the IXUS range.