"An Israeli start-up has created a way to store a whole lot of data on optical discs using fluorescence. The TeraDisc looks like a regular CD, except it's chartreuse and see-through. Mempile says its disc will start off able to store 600GB to 700GB and in a year will be able to write 1TB worth of data. There are two physical layers of plastic, but 200 virtual layers on the one-sided disc. That means 250 hours of high-definition content or 300,000 digital photos. HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc can currently hold about 50GB of data on dual-layer discs...The TeraDisc will need its own drive, which won't be all that different than optical drives currently on the market, according to Beth Erez, Mempile's chief marketing officer."
Every time I see the words "optical data discs" and "fluorescence" I think of the $1000 USD or so I spent buying
stocks in a company, just like this one, that was going to change the world of storage using fluorescent data story. They went bankrupt, and my stock is worth nothing - hopefully this company will fare better. :wink: