Friday, November 2, 2007
Windows Consumer Experience Event in New York City
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 08:51 AM

Figure 1: Whoa...trippy!
When I first arrived at the event (via private town car - nice touch!) I went up to the 14th floor, looking for Peter White Studios. Coming out of the elevator I was immediately bathed in ultraviolet "blacklight". I wasn't sure if I was going to a rave or a press event, but I pressed onward and came to a nice-looking studio with a big Windows Vista logo near the entrance. Looks like I found it!

Figure 2: Vista beckons me hither (thither?).

Figure 3: I was tempted to take a nap on the comfortable couch - I'd had almost no sleep the night before.

Figure 4: The space where the event was held could best be described as "Urban Classy".
Aaron Coldiron, Senior Marketing Manager at Microsoft (thanks LinkedIn!), was the one walking me through most of the presentation. I've known Aaron since back when he started The Hive (Digital Media Thoughts was a founding member), so it was a nice, relaxed conversation. Well, I was relaxed - who knows how my questions made Aaron feel. ;-)