Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Win a Copy of Windows Home Server
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 09:30 AM

When I came back from the Windows Consumer Experience Event in New York last month, I had a copy of Windows Home Server in my hands. The thing is, I was already given a copy via the MVP program - so guess what that means? Giveaway! If you want a win a copy of this software, you should know what you'll need: a dedicated computer, I'd say at minimum something in the 1 Ghz CPU realm, at least 512 MB of RAM, and at least a 100 GB hard drive (more storage is better of course). One of the great features of Windows Home Server is how you can plug in a USB hard drive and it's added to the overall storage pool. I have six USB hard drives connected to it, with 2 TB of overall storage. It's a beautiful thing.
To win a copy of this software (retail $179 USD), here's all you have to do: tell me how you'd use it. To back up your photos? To stream music to your Xbox? To access your computers remotely? Post a message in this discussion thread telling me how you'd use Windows Home Server to make your digital life more secure, more fun, or easier. One week from today, on the 21st at 12 noon GMT -7, I'll do a random drawing of all the entries. I look forward to reading them all!