Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Kindle - Stud or Dud?
Posted by Chris Gohlke in "THOUGHT" @ 08:00 AM

We had not really posted about the Kindle yet and I was really curious to hear everyone's thoughts. If you have not heard of it yet, which is certainly possible given that it is US only for now, the Kindle is Amazon's new e-book reader. It also has some really cool features, namely it uses e-paper, is uses Sprint's EVDO network with no connection or usage fees to buy books, and allows access to Wikipedia and selected blogs. Also nice are the price of the books, with most being under $10. Out of the gate they have 88,000+ titles and 100 of 112 current New York Times Best Sellers. Negatives include the price ($399) and the fact that you have to pay a subscription to access most blogs. Some things I would like to see are some web features (hey, you should at least be able to shop at Amazon on it) with e-mail being huge but doubtful.