Friday, November 30, 2007
Canada Gets New Fangled Technology: Something Called a "Tivo"
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 02:50 PM

A mere seven years after the United States, Canada is finally getting the Tivo. Whoopee. Shipping December 11th, and being sold for $199 (from big-box retailer Future Shop at least), this dual-tuner Tivo model is only good for standard definition recording, not HD. Without the HD recording, there's zero appeal to me: I use Media Center to record standard definition TV that I watch down in my office, and Media Center is superior to the Tivo for my needs. Upstairs with our big-screen TV, we have a craptastic Motorola PVR that I'd love to replace with a Tivo, but I need HD recording it stays. Tivo is about five years too late getting to Canada.