"The new ASUS EEE PC packs some great features into a small package and overall I'm impressed with what it can do so far. If you want better audio and video performance, for both multimedia playback and minor audio and video editing tasks, the ASUS EEE PC needs two things: More RAM and greater storage capacity. Storage capacity is reasonably unlimited because you can plug any USB drive into the EEE PC and get extra space, but I want self contained, silent storage, which means the biggest SD card you can afford in the SD slot. More RAM is a little tricky, because you have to be willing to void the warranty on your EEE PC in order to add it (the Warranty Void if removed sticker is conveniently blocking access to the panel on the back where the memory unit is housed. Because this is a budget priced computer, I want to double the RAM in the EEE PC and get the biggest SD card I can buy for under $100."
You know the Eee was just begging to be hacked, taken apart, and upgraded. Check out Jake's hands-on (including video) of how to do this cheap upgrade.