"Logitech’s Z-5500 5.1 speakers, one of our all-time favorite picks, suffer from a serious flaw: They’re just too darn good. Though a couple lower-powered 5.1 options have made their way to the shelves since their introduction a couple years ago, the Z-5500s stubbornly refuse to budge from the top of the pile. Amazingly, considering these suckers are readily available and have been for some time now, we still can’t find a better option for discerning audiophiles. Continue reading to hear the highs, lows (and, of course, mids) of these sweet-sounding gems."
Although these have been out for a while, the folks over at Digital Trends like them so much they decided for a fresh review. If your looking for a top end set of 5.1 speakers for your computer, check these out.