"I wonder if, when Hugh Macleod started drawing little cartoons on the backs of business cards that he ever expected that one of them would be on the side of a bus? Can a bus be a “social object?” (That’s Hugh’s term for making something interesting enough to talk about. For instance, a bus? Not interesting. A blue monster express? Interesting!) We’ll be driving this bus from Silicon Valley to Las Vegas on Saturday, January 5. We’ll have lots of streaming video and all that with tons of interesting bloggers and other people. Mogulus is helping Rocky and me produce a live video show from the bus too. The bus will also be driving bloggers around CES during the show, especially between the main hall and the BlogHaus."
I'll be boarding the "Media Center Bus" on Saturday morning in San Jose, and will be taking it to Las Vegas with a bunch of other bloggers for CES. Sounds like the premise for a movie, doesn't it? As long as no one calls me "Thelma"... ;-)