Saturday, December 29, 2007
Opanda IExif 2: Delving Deep Into The EXIF Data
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Software" @ 07:44 PM

I had no idea there was this much data embedded in an image! I came to learn of this program after I was discussing selling my D200 (to be replaced with a D300, naturally). When you're selling a DSLR, a common question is how many actuations (shutter snaps) the camera has taken, weighed against how many it's rated for. It's kind of like mileage on a car. In my case, my D200 has taken 21,025 images since I bought it some 20 months ago. If I kept up the same rate of shooting, I could shoot another 6.5 years with it before hitting the rated spec of 100,000 actuations. Not bad at all - Nikon builds these things to last quite a while. What I'm not sure about is what happens when you hit the rated actuation limit - it certainly wouldn't stop working, but perhaps the odds of a malfunction or breakdown go up. Anyone know?